At the outbreak of the first world war Harry embarked with the British Expeditionary Force for France and served on the western front until May 1918. In April 1915 he was promoted to Sergeant Major and transferred to number 3 Casualty Clearing Station at Bailleul a few miles from Ypres. Here he served as quartermaster and was promoted to honorary lieutenant. It was during this time that Harry was mentioned in dispatches - The London Gazette Second Supplement 2 January 1917.
Entry from Harry's army papers |
Harry returned to England in May 1918 and was discharged after 18 years service.
Henry Stephen Rolfe RAMC |
SS Garth Castle |
SS Garth Castle was commissioned as a hospital ship for the duration of WW1, which is obviously when this photo was taken. Photo thanks to Martin Edwards
Extract from Garth Castle passenger manifest |
I have found the marriage for Eileen M Rolfe to Frederick H Grattan in Portsmouth in 1935 and what could well be the birth of a child to Eileen and Frederick, a Roma Grattan was born in the Newcastle are in 1938.
Harry died on the 11th of October 1963 at Highlands Hospital, Southgate, London. At the time of his death his address was 61 Brecknock Road, Southgate, London N7.
Extract from National Probate Register